Our social hall will only accommodate a maximum of 120 people.
This is our capacity as recommended by our insurance carrier.
If you are expecting more than 120 diners for a lunch, it may be worth exploring other options. Emily’s City Hall is less than ½ block from the church and can sometimes accommodate things like this.
If the lunch is offsite: the food, drinks, catering, clean-up, etc. is provided by the family. The church is not responsible for lunches held offsite.
Another option would be for the family to communicate ahead of time to those coming for the funeral that they may need to eat in shifts if attendance goes over 120. If this is the route you would like to use, please communicate that with the parish office and/or the funeral home and have them pass it on to the office.
We ask that any and all food and drink stay within the social hall at all times and not be brought in to other areas of the building.
To view options for the readings on a website, click HERE
This booklet is just a general guideline to help you plan an event that
most of us would rather not think about.
By doing this advance planning, you are
giving your family and friends one of the greatest gifts of kindness and peace
anyone could give at such a sorrowful time.
Bless you for your love and consideration!
Once your choices have been made, please keep a copy of this booklet where your family and/or friends can access it and/or give your parish office a copy to have on hand for when the time comes that you go home to the Father.
FUNERAL PLANS FOR ____________________________________________
Date plans made: _____________________________________________________
Date these plans were made _____________________________________
The executor of my estate is __________________________________________
Phone __________________________________________
I would like my funeral held at ________________________________________
Address ________________________________________
Phone Number ________________________________________
Contact person ________________________________________
I have a cemetery lot at ________________________________________
City/State ________________________________________
The deed for the lot is located: _______________________________________
I don’t have a cemetery lot
I would like to be buried at ________________________________________
City/State ________________________________________
I prefer full body burial ________ cremation _______
(Catholics MUST have cremains interred –it is preferred within day(s) of the funeral.
I have a pre-paid funeral policy with ______________________________________
Address ______________________________________
Phone ______________________________________
Contact person ______________________________________
My copy of paperwork is stored in ______________________________________
I do not have a pre-paid funeral policy but,
I would like my arrangements handled by _______________________Funeral Home
Address __________________________________
Phone __________________________________
At a meeting of the clergy in the Brainerd Deanery, we found it important to offer some clarification on the practice of Cremation. There is much confusion that surrounds the practice of Cremation, so we are offering these thoughts to help all our parishioners as they make decisions regarding their final disposition, or that of their loved ones. Since the Church’s long-standing tradition has been a bodily burial, it still remains the preferred method of final disposition. When cremation is chosen, the Church does prefer that the body of the deceased be present for the vigil and the funeral mass, since the presence of the body better expresses the values which the Church affirms in these rites. In this scenario, following the funeral liturgy at the parish church, after the cremation is completed, the family would gather as soon as possible for the Rite of Committal at the cemetery.
Directive for Treatment of Cremated Remains of the Body for Catholics.
In line with a new directive from Rome of how Catholics should handle cremated remains of their loved ones, as priests of Brainerd Deanery we would like to ask all our funeral directors to make it clear as much possible these basic guidelines when families come to prepare the funeral of their loved ones.
1. We know Cremation of the body quickly reduces the body to about four to ten pounds of bone fragments. The Church requires that these remains of the body be placed in a respectful vessel and treated in the exact same way that a family would treat a body in a casket.
2. Since the human body has an eternal destiny in any form, the Church requires that cremated remains of a body be buried or entombed immediately after the Funeral in the same timely manner as a body.
3. Cremated remains of a loved one are Not to be scattered, kept at home or divided into other vessels among family members, just as it is clear that these practices would never be done to a body in a casket. These practices are not in keeping with the Church’s requirement that a body is accorded great honor even after death. Thus, the new directive gives the pastors the right to deny a Catholic funeral if these basic guidelines are not followed.
All of the teachings on the treatment of cremated remains of the body correspond with the Christian’s foundational belief in eternal life—both body and soul—in Jesus Christ among the Communion of Saints. We pray and hope that we can be instruments of mercy as partners of this important ministry to bury the dead with dignity they deserve to the people we love and serve. We encourage all our parishioners to speak with their clergy regarding any questions they may have!
The Priests of the Brainerd Deanery
Special arrangements that I have already made in preparation for my funeral:
These arrangements are written down and filed away at:
Wake/Rosary/Vigil Service (usually the day/night before the funeral)
People may come to the church or funeral home and gather together to pay final respects to the deceased. There may be quiet, respectful music playing in the background.
A good time to have any favorite hymns and/or appropriate songs/music (secular) played that may not fit into the funeral Mass.
I prefer a Wake/Rosary/Vigil Service Yes, at the church ______
Yes, at the funeral home ______
No, just visitation before the funeral _____
Songs I would like played at the wake:
Reader for 1st Reading : _____________________________________________
1 John 3:1-2
Reader for Psalm: _____________________________________________
Psalm 103
It is preferred that Eulogies be given at the wake or at the reception after the funeral.
My Funeral
1st Reading (Reader’s Name): ___________________________________________
Choice of Readings (circle one):
Job 19:1, 23-27
Wisdom 3:1-9 Wisdom 3:1-6, 9 Wisdom 4:7-15
Isaiah 25:6a, 7-9
Lamentations 3:17-26
Daniel 12:1-3
2 Maccabees 12:43-46
DURING Easter Season use one of these four Readings
Acts 10:34-43 Rev 14:13
Rev 20:11—21:1 Rev 21:1-5a, 6b-7
Responsorial Psalm—if cantor present Responsorial will be sung in form of Psalm 23
or other appropriate Responsorial
Otherwise Reader of 1st Reading will read (circle one):
Psalm 23 Psalm 25 Psalm 27
Psalm 42/43 Psalm 63 Psalm 103
Psalm 116 Psalm 122 Psalm 130
Psalm 143
2nd Reading (Reader’s name): ___________________________________________
Choice of Readings (circle one)
Acts 10:34-43 Acts 10:34-36, 42-43
Romans 5:5-11 Romans 5:17-21 Romans 6:3-9 Romans 6:3-4, 8-9 Romans 8:14-23 Romans 8:31b-35, 37-39 Romans 14:7-9, 10b-12
1Cor 15:20-23, 24b-28 1Cor 15:20-23
1Cor 15:51-57
2Cor 4:14—5:1 2Cor 5:1, 6-10
Philippians 3:20-21
1Thes 4:13-18
2Tim 2:8-13
1John 3:1-2 1John 3:14-16
Rev 14:13 Rev 20:11—21:1 Rev 21:1-5a, 6b-7
PAGE 7 (My Funeral cont.)
Alleluia Verses and Verses before the Gospel—if cantor present
this will be sung and will be cantor’s choice.
If no cantor is present Reader of 2nd Reading reads:
Circle one:
Matthew 11:25 Matthew 25:34
John 3:16 John 6:39 John 6:40
John 6:51a John 11:25-26
Philippians 3:20
2 Tim 2:11b-12a
Rev 1:5a, 6b Rev 14:13
Gospel Reading—depends on priest’s preference (or if he is willing, choose one):
Circle one:
Matthew 5:1-12a Matthew 11:25-30 Matthew 25:1-13
Matthew 25:31-46
Mark 15:33-39;16:1-6 Mark 15:33-39
Luke 7:11-17 Luke 12:35-40
Luke 23:33, 39-43 Luke 23:44-46, 50, 52-53; 24:1-6a
Luke 24:13-35 Luke 23:44-46, 50, 52-53
Luke 24:13-16, 28-35
John 6:37-40
John 5:24-29 John 6:51-58 John 11:17-27
John 11:21-27 John 11:32-45 John 12:23-38
John 12:23-26 John 14:1-6 John 17:24-26
John 19:17-18, 25-30
Music for the funeral (must, for the most part be found in the Sunday Missal--please consult with your parish's liturgist)
If the church has a cantor available, it is preferred that the “church cantor” be used to lead the congregation at Mass.
A soloist (friend of family, etc.) maybe used to sing/lead the hymns or a hymn—otherwise most cantors are willing to also lead the hymns:
Please list your preferences-
Opening hymn: ____________________________________________________
Preparation of Gifts: ________________________________________________
Communion: ______________________________________________________
Meditation: ______________________________________________________
(not necessary, if not preferred)
Recessional: ______________________________________________________
If solos are to be sung by a friend or someone from outside the parish—they are usually done at Preparation of the Gifts or for one of the hymns at Communion.
Personal, favorite hymns are usually sung at Preparation of Gifts or as Meditation
SOME Music Suggestions for Funerals
All Creatures Of Our God And King
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
Alleluia, Sing to Jesus
All Is Well With My Soul
Amazing Grace
Ave Maria
Be Not Afraid
Be Still and Know
Be Still My Soul
Because the Lord Is My Shepherd
Blessing Prayer (Irish Blessing)
Bread of Life
Christ Be Our Light
Eye Has Not Seen
Faith Of Our Fathers
For All the Saints
Give Me Jesus
Hail Mary, Gentle Woman
Here I Am Lord
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
Holy Is His Name
Holy, Holy, Holy
How Great Thou Art
How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place
I Am the Bread of Life
I Have Loved You
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
Immaculate Mary
Jesu, Joy of Our Desiring
Jesus Remember Me
Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
Let There Be Peace On Earth
Lift High The Cross
Loving and Forgiving
Morning Has Broken
O God, You Search Me
O Loving God
O Sanctissima (Mary, Full of Grace)
O Salutaris Hostia
One Bread, One Body
On Eagle’s Wings
Panis Angelicus
Praise My Soul the King of Heaven
Praise To the Lord
Prayer of St. Francis
Shepherd Me, O God
Song of Farewell
Taste and See
The King of Kings, Christ Jesus Reigns
The King of Love My Shepherd Is
This Day God Gives Me
The Lord Is My Light
The Lord Is My Shepherd
There Is A Longing
Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones
You Are Near
Old Rugged Cross