About Our Program – Family Faith Formation
Classes take place at our sister parish, Immaculate Heart Church, in Crosslake, MN.
Our Family Faith Formation program was developed to meet the needs of both students and parents. The family program format is an innovative approach to religious education that has been used in Minnesota and across the U.S. for more than twenty years. The format of our program is both unique and creative in that it unites the family in both prayer and education, teaches the family about our Catholic faith, fosters a deeper relationship with Christ and each other, and promotes spiritual growth individually, and as a family.
Most importantly, our program meets the criteria for catechesis and aligns with the very definition of “catechesis”: “. . . an education in the faith of children, young people and adults which includes especially the teaching of Christian doctrine imparted, generally speaking, in an organic and systematic way, with a view to initiating the hearers into the fullness of Christian life” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no 5).
Our program supports parents who expressed a strong desire to learn more about the Catholic faith and Christian doctrine. Our program also prepares “parents as the primary educators for their children” (General Directory for Catechesis, # 255). We strongly believe that a program cannot be truly successful unless parents are involved. Pope John Paul II wrote: “Parents are the first and most important educators of their own children, and they also possess a fundamental competence in this area; they are educators because they are parents.” Including parents in our program also affirms that “education in the faith” is never-ending and continues throughout our lives.
Our program supports students by providing lessons that: a) meet curriculum guidelines for Catholic education, b) are interactive and dynamic, c) support different learning styles (visual, auditory, verbal, physical, logical, social) and c) include discussion in both large and small groups. When organizing small groups, it is important to consider factors such as age, grade, topic, and developmental needs of the students. Because catechesis (education in the faith) in small groups is “person-to-person,” it is important to consider these factors. In their various forms these {small} groups provide genuine support to people in living their faith in daily life” – Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us (USCCB) #105.
Students in grades 3—12 participate in the large group family class with their parents. This format provides an opportunity for the parent and student to hear the same message, thereby promoting discussion outside of class. The response to the family class format has been very positive.
Students in grades Pre-K through second (First Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist) participate in traditional classroom education with a catechist and assistant in each classroom. The younger students benefit from the traditional format of small classes and education specific to their age and grade. “Catechesis based on different age groups is an essential task of the Christian community” (General Directory for Catechesis #171).
The curriculum for our program is based on Sacred Scripture, is faithful to teachings of the Magisterium, and references the Catechism of the Catholic Church. We will continue to use The Four Pillars of the Catholic Church as the foundation for our lessons and education. The following is a list of the pillars and the year in which they have been taught:
Getting Started with Family Faith Formation
New families are welcome throughout the year! Please contact Erin Steadland at 218-454-3941 for information any time throughout the year!
Safe Environment
The safety of our students is important whether they are at church, at home, or in public. The safety training program mandated by the Diocese of Duluth is “Circle of Grace,” a comprehensive Catholic Safe Environment Training Program developed by the Archdiocese of Omaha. The “Circle of Grace” program contributes to the protection of our students and affirms that they are loved and valued children of God.
An important aspect of this program is that it helps our students identify when they are uncomfortable with a situation and teaches them how and when to seek help from a trusted adult (also identified through classroom activities).